Processing apps - Android Packages


Processing apps - Android Packages



“Android Package (APK) is the package file format used by the Android operating system, and a number of other Android-based operating systems for distribution and installation of mobile apps, mobile games and middleware.” Wikipedia.

Warning: Never download apk-files from untrusted pages!

So, if you know and trust me, go ahead. Files with .apk extension are mainly meant for myself. In year 2040 I still can easily install my own helicopter game to my laptop!

Why Android application are available only here

Some apps were available in Google Play. However, I haven’t had time to update sdk’s and other settings, e.g. icons in the developer console. In addition, processing doesn’t anymore use Ant.

Gradle build system: The Android mode now uses Gradle as its build system, after ant was deprecated in the Android SDK. When running your sketches from Processing, besides seeing different messages in the console when building the code, you should not notice any difference. However, this has implications when exporting your project. Before, the export was an ant project you could import into Eclipse with the Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin. ADT is no longer supported by Google, with Android Studio being the default development environment for Android. The export project option in the PDE will now create a Gradle project that you can build directly from the command line using the included Gradle Wrapper, or import into Android Studio.

Budget Fall

OD4GAMES Team won Vantaa financial data award in the Apps4Finland 2012 contest! More information available here. BudgetFall-debug

7 Timers for 7 Wonders



Beer Space

Beer Space (BS) is an application designed for multi-dimensional exploration of beer profiles. This program empowers users to delve into expert knowledge, pairing suitable food options with specific types of beer. With BS users can seamlessly navigate a diverse range of beer data, enhancing their understanding of various brews and their characteristics.

In the context of beer analysis, the beers are visualized with respect to two selected principal component axes using PCA. Principal Component Analysis is a statistical technique that helps reveal the underlying patterns and variability within multidimensional data. In this case, the chosen components serve as axes, offering a condensed representation of the diverse characteristics of different beers. By mapping the beers onto these PCA axes, we gain valuable insights into the relationships and distinctions between them based on the selected features, contributing to a clearer understanding of the beer landscape.



Key Features:

Expert Knowledge Access:

Gain access to expert insights and information about different types of beers. Explore detailed profiles, including flavor notes, brewing techniques, and origin details.

Beer and Food Pairing:

Elevate your culinary experience by discovering optimal food pairings for each type of beer. Unlock the perfect combination of flavors by pairing the right beer with the right dish.

Personalized Recommendations:

Easily find new beers based on your preferences and previous favorites. Explore a curated selection of similar beers to those you’ve enjoyed in the past.

User-Friendly Interface:

Enjoy a seamless and intuitive interface for effortless navigation and exploration. Access a wealth of information with just a few taps, making your beer discovery journey enjoyable. Whether you’re a seasoned beer enthusiast or a casual drinker looking to expand your palate, BS was planned to be your go-to companion for navigating the rich and diverse world of beers. From expert recommendations to personalized suggestions based on your taste preferences, this app ensures a delightful and educational experience for beer lovers of all levels.

Raise your glass to an adventure in beer tasting, all from the convenience of your device!

Later - Wine Space 2013

Swedish news feed and a reaction game

Does news in swedish language mess up your mind? Install package and try it: pReact_v3

Wlap Timer - A Lap Timing App for Slot Racing Enthusiasts.

Wlap Timer, a lap timing app tailored for slot racing enthusiasts, has garnered positive feedback for its simplicity, effectiveness, and entertainment value. Users appreciate its quick and easy stats, making it a perfect companion for slot racing with minimal external impact. However, it’s worth noting that compatibility may vary across devices, and proximity sensor functionality is recommended for optimal performance.




Likes :+1:

Simple, effective and fun. Love it.

Quick Easy Stats Perfect Perfect App for Slot racing in 1 line. Good Functionality, low impact from outside. Be aware it is not working with all devices. Needs a aproximity sensor. For 2 line race maybe a Image processing Software tool is better. Bit These are more sensitiv for external influences like shadows o.e.

Very good. Sometimes (very few) he fails to count the lap. It would also be nice to see the time of all the laps, not just the last ten. Otherwise perfect. It would also be better with a small menu to personalize it a bit. I recommend it.

Funktioniert! Einfach so. Kein Kalibrieren, einrichten. Smartphone hinlegen, App starten, Start drücken, fertig, losrasen. Einziges auszusetzen: Da der Bildschirm ziemlich klein ist, sind die Ergebnisse sehr fitzelig, kaum zu lesen. Praktisch wäre eine alternative Darstellung nur von aktueller und schnellster Runde, möglichst bildschirmfüllend . Dann wären es 5 Sterne :-)

yessss - very good , uses magnetic sensor, try best position top left right bottom, wirh car before

Note Nov, 2014: Thanks! The location of magnetometer varies from corner to corner, but free apps are available for measuring and monitoring the magnetic field. These apps help on locating the smartphone sensor.

Easy to use and fun Works great with my Xoom tablet and my Aurora AFX cars. Clever use of the magnetometer!

Note Mar, 2014: Nice to hear and thanks for review!

Wow - Awesome fun

And some less positive user feedback


Does not work.

Non parte.

Timer with some additional stuff


WlapTimer WlapTimer Instagram


How to embed videos, see this.


Developers console

  • Ketai Android package: The Ketai library is often used with the Processing programming language, which is known for its simplicity and versatility in creating visual and interactive applications.
  • Toxiclibs: “toxiclibs is an independent, open source library collection for computational design tasks with Java & Processing”
  • fisica: It is simply a wrapper around JBox2D.
  • Particle Physics Engine 2D (PPhys2D)
  • SimpleOpenNI
  • ModelbuilderMk2 (previously Modelbuilder) is a computational geometry library for Processing.


Tämä julkaisu on tehty parhaan oman tietämyksemme ja ymmärtämyksemme pohjalta. Olemme tehneet kaiken voitavamme tietojen täsmällisyyden ja oikeellisuuden takaamiseksi, talonendm ei ole vastuussa mistään virheistä tai puutteista tai mistään suorasta, epäsuorasta tai välillisestä vahingosta, joka on aiheutunut tietojen virheellisestä soveltamisesta. Pidätämme oikeuden muutoksiin.

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