Helicopter game
Play game in full screen here: Helicopter Game and without instructions panel here: Helicopter Game 1. Note: Press START NEW GAME in the bottom of canvas to activate keyboard.
Coding memories
The helicopter game is based on original Turbo Pascal Helicopter game.
As you can see, game has happier design as the first original game. However, original game had also computer “AI” canons in both sides and automatically generated maps.
Simple physics and mathematics (sin, cos etc.) were implemented with following parameters:
int painovoima = 1.5;//0.01;//1;
int ilmanvastus = 0.92;
int kaantyykerralla = PI/32;
int panoksensatunnaisuus = 0.01; // 1 prossa etäisyyden mukaan
int kaasuaskel = 0.4;
Something is still available about my experimental learning process (conversion from Pascal to Java) (8 years ago, see test application.
I tried to use iframe on this page, but without luck. Something about iframes. If not working, probably id in pde-file to canvas in html needed. This was not working:
<iframe src="http://talonendm.github.io/helicopter/" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Git stuff
Local server is needed to run this game when playing offline. However, game can be played online and in github we just need to create gh-pages for repo, see e.g. How to show html or e.g. Java based game in Github. Code example in helicopter readme.