Ruuvitag & RuuviR

Bluetooth temperature and moisture measurements

Ruuvitag & RuuviR

Bluetooth temperature and moisture measurements

Mittaa lämpötilaa, ilmankosteutta ja ilmanpainetta. TEollisuuskäyttöön Ip68 ja ip69k sertifioidut vesitiivis tagi. Käyttölämpötila -40 - 80 astetta. Hinta n. 50€. [Tekniikka&Talous, s.23, 25.3.2022]


R package for Ruuvi data analysis:

Development tips

In case of error:

--- re-building 'RuuviR.Rmd' using rmarkdown
   Quitting from lines 22-27 (RuuviR.Rmd) 
   Error: processing vignette 'RuuviR.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
   could not find function "round_date"
   --- failed re-building 'RuuviR.Rmd'

and package:: before function, in this case lubridate::round_date(). In addition, add lubridateto DESCRIPTIONS Imports as

rd1$datetime <- lubridate::round_date(rd1$paivamaara, unit = timewindow)


RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
Imports: data.table,

Build failing, check roxygen-parts, e.g. no space between dontrun and { :

#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#' <- LoadRuuviExports(
#'    pathRuuvitag = 'C:/Users/talon_000/Dropbox/2021/ruuvi/m210829'
#'   )
#'  }


Github and R

I am not sure, if this was optimal solution but I did it like this:

  • In Rstudio -> new Project (not package) to avoid problems in NAMESPACE using Roxygen-packge. Git setup was selected, e.g. gitignore. Not sure, if this was useful, because it can be defined anyway manually quite quickly. Documents are added after workds by pkgdown package?!

I had challenges to push locally created code by creating repository from Git Bash and finally I just did it as earlier in a browser + readme (without gitignore). Next time, check this. Note that in Github, it is nowadays “main” and not “master” brach, which is created. However, created repo in Rstudio side was “master” and thus there is two branches in Github. I followed instructions to change default branch.

git init
git add . 
git commit -m "initial commit"
# git remote add origin
git remote set-url origin
git remote -v
git push origin master
git pull origin master (I tested new Github feature - press "." in repo and made some small edit.)

I tried to push etc. and got this:

$ git remote add origin
error: remote origin already exists.

so setting up existing worked, see details here. So, RuuviR development as

git add .
git commit -m "new features"
git pull origin mastger (if changes done in github)
git push origin master

Action list and locations

  • 25.8.2021: total 8 Ruuvitags
  • 26.8.2021, 08:20: temp. 0 -> 1 (VaHu, VeHu)
  • 27.8.2021, 08:22: Saco Boat (Bolaseca) VaHuKo.
  • 28.8.2021, 13:21: Ax4 autotarvikkeet, uudelleen käytettävä KOSTEUDENPOISTAJA VaHuKo.
  • 10.9.2021, 14:40 VaHuKo patteri
  • 11.9.2021, 09:45 VaHuKo patteri
  • 25.10.2022, 07:50 (current location)
    • 01: VaHuKo
    • 02: dishwasher (until 12/2021 roof?)
    • 03: washing machine
    • 04: roof (before: 04 jääkaappi oikea EBC4)
    • 05: roof (luukku), before: 05 Jääkaappi Vasen Ruuvi 7005
    • 06: roof -> freezer –> VaHuKo2
    • 07: 9.2.2022 - out of battery - freezer,
      • 28.1.2023: car
      • 24.4.2023: backpack and borrowed to friend
      • 9/2023: back and to the bedroom
      • 20.2.2024: mobile in another account. Shared. F678 from Xiomi.
    • 08: the same (kattotuoli)
    • 09: kansi
      • 3.3.2023: new battery (on top of Acer - upstairs)
      • 24.4.2023: backpack
  • 19.11.2022, 11:30
    • 04: roof, next to 08. Reduntant measurements. (04 roof EBC4)
  • 31.7.2023, 08:59 data 6 months to I:\\data\ruuvi
    • 09 black: sauna
  • 18.10.2023, 19:46
    • 06: VaHuKo2 –> ilmankuivaimen viereen
  • 28.12.2023: ikkunalauta 07 uusi patteri
  • 8.1.2024: download data, note next time the beginning of April, 2024 (dm: data\ruuvi)
  • 8.7.2024: download 3 month data, note missed few months - next time the beginning of October, 2024 (dm: data\ruuvi)




“WSL, the Windows Subsystem for Linux, is a free, optional feature of Windows 10 that allows Linux programs to run on Windows”, see How to install WSL on Windows 10.

Official Ruuvi Firmware

Device 4 firmware was updated as in explained here:

  • firmware 2.5.9 notes:
  • pressing buttons as video, but only time to time was able to get Ruuvi-boot mode, see “Set RuuviTag to bootloader mode by holding down button B and pressing reset button R. Red indicator LED light will light up and stay on.” Ruuvi Firmware update

Manual Ruuvi measurements (Calibration)

Three deviced at the same spot on table:

  1. 21.15℃, 31.45%, 990.59hPa.
  2. 20.82℃, 32.54%, 991.17hPa.
  3. 21.37℃, 31.92%, 990.94hPa.
  4. not calibrated

units for pressure: Pa, hPa, mmHg, inHg units for moisture: %, absolute gr/m^3, kastepiste

Suolakalibrointi linkki:

uBeac - IoT platform - Internet of Things

Ubeac login page. Access sensor data for free, from anywhere. See tutorial setting up Gateway URL. ``uBeac is an easy-to-use and powerful SMB to enterprise IoT platform designed to help you quickly and securely build complex connected solutions. uBeac uses HTTP(s) and MQTT(s) protocols to provide connectivity’’ ubeac github

  • since 2021
  • talonen

Ruuvi stories

Washing Machine

One of the Ruuvitags were “installed” next to a washing machine. Alarm was set to detect increase of moisture. Roborock S6 vs. Ruuvitag next to the washing machine. First, I didn’t understand how it is possible that Ruuvitag is middle of the washroom (housekeeping room). Later on, I understood that our Robo was just chasing dust all over the apartment.


Temperature is a bit higher under the Robo, but lower closer an outdoor ~ 1 meter.


Palju - hot tub

  • Air temperature inside the hot tub (under cover) is measured by a water proof ruuvitag. Cold winter days (-20 to -15 Celsius) (1) it is ready (water temperature is around 37 Celsius) approximately 10 to 15 lower temps, see (3, 6).
  • Draining the water to tub increases air temperature (2).
  • During bath (4, 7) temparature doesn’t decrease much (without cover). With cover and longer period (during night) temparature decreased almost 20 ℃.
  • Two carpets over the tub cover, better heat insulate. Air temperature under the plastic cover increases quite much.


Hunga Tonga

  • Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai is a volcanic island. Tonga eruption: effect to air pressure at 20:18 and about 5 o-clock, see Twitter discussion.


Yleistä materiaalia kosteudesta

Teoriaa, linkkeä (Theory)


  • Lounaistuuli, sääneuvos
  • “Talvella Atlantilta puolestaan puhaltaa lauhaa ja kosteaa ilmaa. Talvisin sää on lounaistuulella usein sumuista, tihkusateista tai muuten harmaata.” Foreca


“Kylmäsillassa lämpöä siirtyy lämpimästä kylmään hieman enemmän kuin ympärillä olevan materiaalin läpi. Kylmäsilta vaikuttaa monilla eri tavoilla rakenteeseen. Kylmään pintaan tarttuu lika paremmin kuin lämpimään. Julkisivuissa kylmäsilta näkyy likapaikkana.” PUURAKENTEISEN RAKENNUKSEN KYLMÄSILTATARKASTELU p.15.

“Kosteusvaurioiden välttämiseksi ilmanvaihdolla pidetään rakennuksen sisätiloissa yllä ulkoilman paineeseen nähden pientä alipainetta. Jos sisätilassa on ylipainetta ja ilmansulussa on vuotokohtia, ilmanpaine-erosta johtuva ilmavirtaus kuljettaa mukanaan vesihöyryä ulkoseinään ja yläpohjaan.” PUURAKENTEISEN RAKENNUKSEN KYLMÄSILTATARKASTELU p.25.

“kuinka suuret erot rakenteen olosuhteissa voi olla eri vuodenaikoina. Esimerkkitapauksessa suhteellinen kosteus vaihtelee kesän 62%:sta talven 98%:iin, mikä tulee ottaa huomioon lyhytaikaisten mittaustulosten analysoinnissa. Lisäksi on huomioitava myös muut mittaustulokseen vaikuttavat tekijät, esim. ilmanvaihtolaitteisto voi aiheuttaa painesuhteen muutoksen, joka voi muuttaa nopeasti alapohjarakenteen suhteellista kosteutta.” Rakennuksen kosteus- ja sisäilmatekninen kuntotutkimus p.35.

Moisture and Temperature Experiments

Device 02, in the corner of walk-in closet at the corner of house (North):

  • 25.1.2021 13:40 More floor heating 24℃ -> 27℃, open fresh air valve.
  • 25.1.2021 15:45 Additional heating 650W battery.

Device 03, roof.

  • 5.2.2021 11:00 61.5% relative humidity percentage (moisture). Analog meter showing 64%.
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