
a list of movies


a list of movies


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  • Extraordinary Attorney Woo: (Korean: 이상한 변호사 우영우) is a 2022 South Korean television series starring Park Eun-bin in the title role, along with Kang Tae-oh and Kang Ki-young. 3
    • The show follows her journey as she navigates the challenges of the legal world, showcasing her exceptional memory and unique problem-solving skills. The series has been praised for its heartfelt storytelling, representation of neurodiversity, and strong performances, resonating with viewers both in South Korea and internationally.
  • The Glory (Korean: 더 글로리) is a South Korean revenge psychological thriller 4
    • The quiet death struggle symbolizes the protagonist’s patient and relentless pursuit of justice, where victory comes not through loud confrontations but through subtle, systematic dismantling of the enemy’s world. To truly defeat someone, it implies, one must destroy what they’ve built and cherished, leaving nothing behind but the wreckage of their former life. This echoes the protagonist’s personal journey of reclaiming power and enacting revenge by targeting her tormentors’ deepest vulnerabilities. The game of Go serves as a powerful metaphor for strategy, rivalry, and the complexities of revenge. As Moon Dong-eun methodically dismantles the lives of her tormentors, the parallels between Go and her journey highlight themes of power dynamics, manipulation, and the devastating consequences of one’s actions. This connection deepens the narrative, emphasizing that revenge requires not just strength but also intelligence and patience.
  • Boiling point: to watch: “Hektinen ravintolailta, henkilö­kunnan ristiriidat ja valtava kiire ovat tuoreen britti­draaman keskiössä” HS 15.3.2024
  • Resident Alien, season 1/3. Wikipedia 3
  • Breaking Bad
    • “Albuquerque” is a city in the U.S. state of New Mexico. Mad dogging, Go pushing into new turf, We are on the verge, Gonna go out on a limb here and, Why the long faces here, Peddling meth, Kingpin, Cut of your jib, Drips and drabs, Dipshit wannabe banger, Like a whack-a-mole, He was so torn up, And here is the guy, Mr. White
  • Blue Eye Samurai: Guardian: “its main selling point is as an epic, violent tale of honour and revenge.”
    • Revenge is like gold. It does not rust. It will wait.
    • I will not rest until I have my revenge. Mizu, see more quotes at upgradingoneself
  • Musta kuningatar (The Queen’s Gambit) - Netflix miniseries (Anya Taylor-Joy)
  • Lupin: “Arsène Lupinin seikkailujen innoittama herrasmiesvaras Assane Diop päättää kostaa isänsä puolesta varakkaan suvun tekemät vääryydet.”
      1. Tänään hävisimme yhden taistelun. Mutta tunnen sinut. Et luovuta. Ymmärrät hyvän ja pahan eron ja etkä luovuta ikinä. Et välitä vaaroista tai sinua vastustavista voimista. Juuri sitä ihailen sinussa. - Fabianne.
  • The Playlist: “kuvitteellisen version siitä, kuinka ruotsalainen teknologiayrittäjä kumppaneineen mullistaa musiikkiteollisuuden luomalla laillisen striimauspalvelun.”
  • The Billion Dollar Code: without Terra Vision there would have been no Google Earth. - Netflix plot: Google against visionary German inventors
  • three-part limited docuseries about the life of Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Wall Streetin hirviö: Bernard Madoff - Ponzihuijaus Wallstreetillä. Harry Markopolos toteaa: “Huudan nähtävästi yksin erämaassa viranomaisille, että Madoff on huijari.” Hän osasi epäillä laittomuuksia jo vuosituhannen vaihteessa. Madoff käytti mm. “ota tai jätä”-tekniikkaa. Jos epäilijöitä ilmaantui, hän sanoi, että nosta vain rahat, mutta takaisin ei ole tulemista. Sijoittajat arvostivat hyvää ja tasaista tuottoa - myös ahneus saattoi sokaista heidät.
  • Kaleidoscope
  • Jukka Lindströmin Sivuhistoria: Areena
  • Beef (biiffi eli riita): koston kierteeseen perustuva “tit fot tat” eli “mitta mitasta” sarja. HS 18.4.2023

The person who has watched these diverse movies and series appears to be a passionate and eclectic enthusiast of films and shows. They have a broad taste, enjoying everything from action and drama to documentaries and historical dramas. Their interest spans both international and Finnish productions, indicating a curiosity for various cultures. This individual seems to seek immersive experiences and values compelling storytelling across a range of genres and themes. - ChatGPT Turbo 3.5


This person likely enjoys thought-provoking narratives, intricate characters, and diverse storytelling styles. Their commitment to watching such a wide range of movies indicates a passion for the art of filmmaking and storytelling, making them a well-rounded movie enthusiast.

Henkilö todennäköisesti nauttii pohdiskelevista juonista, monimutkaisista hahmoista ja monimuotoisista kerrontatavoista. Hänen sitoutumisensa näin laajaan elokuvien valikoimaan viittaa siihen, että hänellä on intohimo elokuvataiteeseen ja tarinankerrontaan, tehden hänestä monipuolisen elokuvaharrastajan.

  • ChatGPT Turbo 3.5


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